Legislatively Speaking
By Senator Lena C. Taylor
17 States Republican Attorney Generals In Search of a Spine

Lena C. Taylor
OMG!!!! Can I start a column like that? If I could scream and know that you could hear me, then that’s what I would be doing. But I guess, OMG must do for now. The crazy thing is that I know I am not alone. There are others, who are equally dumbfounded, by the latest attempt of Donald Trump to reverse the results of the 2020 presidential campaign. Yet, thunderstruck is the word that must be used to describe the political subservience displayed by the vast majority of Republicans.
Let’s face it, there was no outrageous voter fraud. There was no election changing irregularities. There was no “steal” to stop. Trump lost, fair and square and needs to take his ball and go home. This is what responsible people, who care about this country, have done for years. For those unwilling, there have always been systems, norms and officials committed to making sure that there is a peaceful and orderly transfer of power. At least, that’s what I have always thought.
The number of Republicans that have lined up to support false narratives of voter fraud, attach themselves to baseless lawsuits and refuse to acknowledge that Joe Biden won the recent election, have been in elected positions for years. They’ve moved among us, waving American flags and holding on to the Bible. They’ve professed that they, and they alone, are the only political party that loves this country. But if you look at what is being allowed on their watch, you realize it was all a bunch of baloney.
The move by 17 states Attorney Generals, to file a brief with the Supreme Court in support of overturning election results in Wisconsin, Georgia, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, is unconscionable. Other than partisan nonsense, the Republican officials know that this case is going nowhere. The idea that constituents are being sold this bill of goods and given false hope, is nothing short of malpractice. It’s fine to be upset about election outcomes, but we need to still do our jobs and be truthful in the execution of our work.
The political microaggressions and overt cowardice, of people who have sworn to act in the best interests of their districts, will have long term effects. Trump is a bully and is trying to strong-arm Republicans into helping him steal this election. But here’s the thing, when you don’t ride the coattails of someone, but walk and stand on your own, then you can’t be forced into nonsense. Far too many Republicans have lost their own voice, been forced to cower in embarrassment and lost their backbones to Trump. Our country is going to bear the consequences of their failures.
The U.S. Presidency is being delegitimized, in the eyes of many Americans. The nation feels unsafe from within. We are in danger, and there are those who are fanning the flames. How much must we lose, as a country, before they realize Trump and personal power wasn’t worth it.