By Brother Meech
Kicking this week’s Straight (P) Pure Talk!
We are watching the economy crumble right before us.
Especially here in the urban neighborhood with small entrepreneurs, where they are scratching to pay their bills, to hold on to the machines they use to keep their businesses afloat, not to mention the rent and mortgage payments that some of these small businesses are dealing with.
Let us take a serious look at this pandemic.
In 1968 there was a pandemic A (H3N2 Virus) it was first noted in September of 1968, it was named the Hong Kong Flu, and the CDC estimated less than 100,000 people died in America.
I was just a boy at the time and do not remember my mother taking one day off work. As a matter of fact, Woodstock went on with more than 400,000 people in attendance, with no social distancing, it was social love, and there were no spikes in the death count that we can see or that have been recorded.
I propose a question to Black America.
Have we become so soft that we will allow panic and fear make us lose everything?
People, I urge you to move when you see the majority moving, because they own something. It is called survival!