Last week marked 125 days since President Obama nominated Chief Judge Merrick Garland to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court.
This is the longest-ever in the history of the United States Supreme Court that a nominee has had to wait for a fair hearing or a vote. Concerned citizens went to Sen. Ron Johnson’s Milwaukee district office to present him with a leadership award for his unprecedented Senate obstructionism. The award is an act to get Sen. Johnson and other Senate Republicans to give a fair vote and a hearing to Judge Merrick Garland.
The award said it was given “honor of creating the longest-ever delay in history of a United States Supreme Court nominee at 125 days and counting.”
In addition to presenting the award, the League of Conservation Voters dropped off more than 150 hand written letters and petitions calling on Johnson to do his job. Chief Judge Merrick Garland has wide bipartisan support but Senate Republicans and their obstruction to give Chief Judge Garland, a consensus nominee a vote, trust their Presidential nominee Donald Trump, to choose the next Supreme Court Justice.
Instead of being in state on Tuesday, Senator Johnson was in Cleveland speaking at the Republican National Convention.