By Tiffany Crouse
The nation had its eyes on Wisconsin on Tuesday night for the tight governor’s race.
In the end incumbent Scott Walker came out on top with only a five percent lead over his opponent Mary Burke.
Not only was the nation waiting, but the people of Milwaukee watched to see who would win this important election; when Walker won there were more Milwaukeeans upset than not.
“Furious and angry,” said Mathew Conlay, a voting Milwaukee resident, commenting on Burke’s loss. “I don’t think Scott Walker is for poor America,” he said.
Conlay was not the only one upset about the gubernatorial results.
“I wouldn’t have voted for him” said George Henderson, a Milwaukee resident who did not vote in the election Tuesday.
Henderson believes that Walker is going to make changes that will not be good for him.
Most were upset about the results but some were more moderate in their responses.
Elexis Hairris, another voting Milwaukee resident, said “I’m surprised that he won.”
She believes that a lot of things are going to change for the worse now that the race is over.
Although she was upset about the results she would like to congratulate Walker on his win.
Others also send their congratulations along to Governor Walker.
“WestCare congratulates Governor Walker on winning his re-election.
The quality and integrity of our political leaders have a direct impact on the people we serve,” said James Ferguson, director of corporate affairs at WestCare Wisconsin.
WestCare is a nonprofit who works with struggling youths, families, veterans, and drug addicts.
Ferguson said that even though WestCare is not a political organization that elections have an impact on nonprofits.
“We are hoping that the Walker administration will keep an open ear, and an open heart to the people in need in our community” said Ferguson.