Lead abatement workers and contractors ask questions about the best ways to contain lead dust and chips when making a home safe
The Lead Hazard Reduction Assistance (LHRA) Program of the Social Development Commission and the State Department of Health Services are helping lead workers stay healthy.
The two partnered to hold an Exterior Lead Containment Workshop at a Milwaukee Near-Southside home.
More than two-dozen lead abatement workers, renovators and contractors took part in the session at the home on S. 31st Street. The foreclosed home was recently purchased by Layton Boulevard West Neighbors and will be completely renovated before being sold to a local family.
The contractors who perform lead abatement work as part of SDC’s LHRA program viewed the home before being asked to fill out an occupancy protection plan.
They then set up containment and safety measures to keep any lead dust or chips from affecting residents, neighbors or the workers while the work is completed.
State inspectors critiqued the efforts and offered suggestions on how to make the site even safer.
They then provided feedback on clean-up for the area.
The workshop is one of a series that SDC’s Residential Services Programs and the Wisconsin Department of Health Services are conducting for lead contractors as part of regular Quality Assurance gatherings.
Previous sessions have included use of proper safety gear and future hands-on workshops will include interior containment for lead removal.
The Lead Hazard Reduction Assistance Program works with HUD and the City of Milwaukee Health Department to identify and renovate housing units with young children living in them which have a high risk for lead poisoning.
To learn more about the program, visit the SDC website located at www.cr-sdc.org/index/Programs–Services/VITA/Asset-Development/Lead-Hazard-Reduction-Assistance-Program.htm.