Above The Clouds (ATC), Inc. will hold its “Reaching Above the Clouds” 10 Year Celebration Luncheon on Saturday, October 5, 2013, from 11:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. at the Grace Center, 250 E. Juneau Avenue, Milwaukee, WI. The event will highlight award presentations to HeartLove Place, Helen Bader Foundation and Marking Services, Inc. for their overwhelming support and impact on ATC. FOX6 sports personality Tom Pipines will host the celebration which will feature performances from local talent Jeannine Rivers and ATC ballet students.
President and co-founder Linda Wade said, “We invite the public to join us as we celebrate over 10 years of providing FREE quality arts education programming to disadvantaged young people from central city Milwaukee and surrounding areas. At a time when our city’s children are faced with a barrage of negative influences and the disappearance of arts programs from our schools, we can provide them with an arts education that instills confidence, raises self-esteem and offers spiritual support,” says Wade. She added, “Our goal is that no interested child be turned away and miss the opportunity to grow personally, physically and spiritually through our program.” Since ATC began, over 4,500 young people have already walked through its doors and taken one of their creative arts or movement classes.
Wade came up with “Above the Clouds” while travelling home from touring prisons across the country with the Dance Eternal troupe. The women that she encountered during her trip seemed to already be hardened by life circumstances and a negative self-image. Wade realized that the best way to turn around troubled lives was to start during childhood. Being a dancer and artist, she was aware of how a program that offered arts classes to young people from troubled neighborhoods could promote, self-discipline, self-control, a higher level of positive self-esteem and a life-long connection to the arts. So in 2001, Wade along with Barbara Melsheimer incorporated Above the Clouds.
In 2002, Wade set aside a career in substance abuse recovery and prevention to lead the Christian-based nonprofit 501(c)(3) that brings free dance, music and other creative arts programming to at-risk Milwaukee youth ages 5-17 years old who might otherwise lack the means or opportunity.
A recent study by the National Endowment of the Arts concluded that at-risk children and teens with high levels of arts engagement achieve better grades and demonstrate higher rates of college enrollment and attainment than youth who have limited access to arts education.
Tickets for the event cost $50 per person and $400 to reserve a table for eight (8) persons.
To purchase tickets or for more information about this event, you may contact: (414)344- 3019 or email: abovethecloudsmilw@gmail.com.
All proceeds will benefit Above the Clouds, Inc. Persons will also be able to make tax-deductible donations to www.abovethecloudsmilwaukee.com.