Ayana Katherine, age 3, has her blood pressure checked at a Registration and Health Fair held at Northcott Head Start site.
Preschool age children are getting a good start for the new academic year. The three to five year olds with their parents took part in a Registration and Health Fair put on by the Social Development Commission (SDC) Head Start Program.
SDC Head Start and its delegate agencies put on a pair of the fairs to allow families to sign up for the free preschool program and to also receive health and dental services. Daylong sessions were held at the Northcott Head Start site and at the SDC West Allis Head Start location.
In addition to being able to enroll in the program, children were also provided by Alverno College Nursing students and Head Start staff with vision and hearing screenings, blood pressure tests, height and weight measurements, a dental exam, and blood tests for exposure to lead. The youngsters also received a free tooth brush.
The days are part of the Head Start’s regular inclusion of health and dental care as a portion of its curriculum. Head Start also provides academic and social skill preparation as well as parental involvement at sites located across Milwaukee County.
For more information on the Head Start program at SDC and its delegate agencies and partners, call 414-906-2777 or visit the SDC website at http://www.cr-sdc.org/.