Series by: Rev. Shone Bagley, Sr. Ordained/M.C.C.
When teachers of God’s word tell you that you have the Holy Ghost, most of them tell you from their knowledge and not of God’s wisdom.
The evidence of the Holy Ghost is not of language – even though it was given to those in the upper room. To receive the Holy Ghost does not come from being in one accord, or praying, or fasting – instead it is of obedience. No matter what the book of Acts tells you, Jesus sets the foundation to the book of Acts.
Jesus sates this: John 14:15-16 ( KJV ) 15If ye love me, keep my commandments. 16And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;
How is it that so many of so-called teachers of God’s word say you could receive the Holy Ghost other than to this standard? No laying of hands could or would bring the Holy Ghost any faster from God if you do not know the commandments. The commandments is the evidence Jesus needs before going to God on your behalf; then it is God Himself who will give you the Holy Ghost. So, before you can even think you can receive the Holy Ghost, know that obedience is the key, the evidence God will be looking for.
Let’s say that you know of God’s commandments and you are following them, how would you know if you have the Holy Ghost? Again the answer is within Jesus words… John 16:7-8 ( KJV ) 7Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 8And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:
Teachers of God miss this all together. The Holy Ghost is to come and teach you all things, but in the guidelines of reprove, righteousness, and judgment. The Holy Ghost teaches you your gift, and your gift is guided to reprove of sin, righteousness, and of judgment. To add a point, you cannot do any of the three if you do not know and can obey the commandments of God.
This is why we, as a whole of believers are powerless. False teachers leading you down a road to destruction and our homes, our neighborhoods, our state is falling apart. It is time to stand and not be with those who just are there.
If the end is near, we need strong men and women of God not just to know the truth, but to be led into battle. There are so many of our people who are in the dark and the reason they are in the dark is because there is no light shining for them.
If you really want to shine the light Jesus sparked within you and God blessed you with, let’s get together and let me show you the way as God has shown me.
Within the month of September I will be starting a mission of teachings. Just for those who want a little more of what they are / or are not getting. Call or go to my web site for more details if you would like to be part of, or attend.
I love…
Shone Bagley, Sr.
Joy 1340 am – Sundays @ 4:30pm