By U.S. Congresswoman Gwen Moore

Milwaukee Branch NAACP president Jerry Ann Hamilton hosted a Census 2010 People of Color Media Luncheon event last week at Stella’s Restaurant, located on Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Members of the media along with area pastors, community leaders and business owners participated as seen pictured above. The event was also co-sponsored by the Leadership Conference for Civil Rights Wisconsin Voices. (Photo by Robert A. Bell)
The benefits our community gets from the Census are far from abstract. We’re talking about real things that touch our lives every day – from our schools to our roads to Medicare and Medicaid. We deserve to have what we need here for all of our people including our children and our seniors.
This year’s census determines how funding and resources will be allocated until 2020. It is absolutely crucial that we get an accurate count because every single person uncounted means lost funding. Every 100 people uncounted means that $1.2 million of our federal tax dollars won’t come back to Milwaukee.
Our area has changed a lot over the past ten years, and the 2010 Census is the tool that gives Washington the best and fullest picture of who we are.
We must be counted to get our fair share of our federal tax dollars. And we also must make sure Milwaukee gets its voice in Washington and in Madison. The Census determines the number of seats Wisconsin has in the House of Representatives.
As required by the U.S. Constitution, every ten years every person must be counted. And an accurate count is crucial to help Milwaukee.
And this means all of us. Based on results from the last census, minorities are much more likely to be missed in the count.
Whatever the reasons are, we need to change that. There is nothing to fear by returning your census form. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. If you don’t return it, we lose.
I fight for Milwaukee every day. It’s why I ran for office. And I work to bring funding back to help create jobs, build and improve infrastructure and provide crucial services to residents.
But it takes us working together to make sure we get our due. And this is how you can do your part. Simply by filling out a form you will help Milwaukee, you will help your neighbors, and you will help yourself.
If you don’t stand up, you won’t be counted.
After you fill out your form and mail it back, spread the word. Talk to your friends and your family. Tell them how important this is.