Candidates are being sought for the Board of Commissioners for the Social Development Commission (SDC). Nomination packets are now available for legal residents of Milwaukee County 18 years of age and over.
An election is scheduled for April 6 to fill six of the 18 seats on the SDC Board. Those six seats will represent the low-income community on the Board that helps draw up and implement policy for the anti-poverty agency. Each seat represents one of six districts that make up Milwaukee County.
A nomination packet can be picked up at SDC offices Monday through Friday at 4041 N. Richards Street between 8 am and 5 pm. 200 valid signatures of residents from the candidate’s district need to be gathered and turned in by March 12 for the candidate’s name to be added to the April ballot.
More information on the SDC Board Election can be obtained by calling the Election Helpline at 414-906-2815 or by going to the SDC website at