Every Sunday morning Bishop David G. Evans stands before thousands of people who flock to services at Bethany Baptist Church in Lindenwold, NJ. He talks to them about their hopes, their dreams, their failures and their successes. He’s not just a pastor. He’s a counselor and he’s been giving therapy to congregations and individuals for 20 years.
As the new year of 2010 opens, Evans is now counseling the nation. As a man who grew up in the rough inner city, he knows first hand that a background such as his is a recipe for drug dealing, sexual promiscuity, theft and other behavior that can be tied to a lack of man training, discouragement and emotional malnutrition.
In his new book “Dare To Be A Man” (Putnam), Evans diagnoses the problems ailing modern men and offers solutions on how they can improve their lives and the lives of those around them. “Dare to Be A Man is the road map through the often difficult emotional and relational landscape of manhood for every man or woman,” Evans explains. “As we face the New Year, every man, young or mature, can discover for the first time or regain his footing on the pathway to positive productive manhood. Dare to Be A Man will help every woman discover those relational truths helping her personal development as well as giving her great insight into the key men in her life.
Personal discovery for men and women is always the key to effective change. Effective change makes for a powerful New Year’s Resolution. This new year, dare to be different! 2010 can be a year of unprecedented success in your life. Take the dare!”
This sort of counseling is nothing new to Evans. He wrote the book “Healed Without Scars” that sold over 300,000 copies. As a companion to “Dare To Be A Man”, Evans has also released “Pure Love” (Abundant Harvest Entertainment), a CD of romantic Christian love songs meant to create a better dialogue between husbands and wives.
“Your past doesn’t have to shape or define your manhood,” Evans says. “Instead, you will discover that… Deep within the heart of every man, beyond the hurts, lies a marvelous destiny designed by God.”