Response to “Begging for Everything Except Salvation“
By Mzee Asinia Lukata Chikuyu
Sometime in our analysis of our peculiar situation as “Afrikan americans” we overlook some of the most critical elements of our status. Yes, Blackfolks put too much hope and trust in the church for our “salvation” to come out from under white domination. But we can never overlook the fact that 500 years of social/cultural indoctrination (i.e., social engineering) of the righteousness of whiteness-is-rightness affirms Dr. Carter G. Woodson’s assertion – “When you control a man’s mind…”
We must never forget that the church—as currently functioning—is a major factor in the social engineering indoctrination wheel of whiteness-is-rightness. In most cases, the church is an unintentional, seemingly naive co-conspirator in stifling our collective rise, as are “our” HBCUs. We must recognize that perpetually begging for human rights inevitably self-manifests in the spirit of a man to accept less than his/her full potential and human capacity. Thus, the objectives of servitudinal social engineering continue to produce generational success.
Looking back at the social paradigm that our Ancestors faced as they fought to uplift Blacks in America, one might argue that their heartfelt efforts were earnestly intended to right wrongs and produce a better quality of life for them and us. However, we have several tools and advantages that they lacked for creating authentic affirmative change for Blackfolks. We have been emancipated, “educated,” and unleashed to be and create the change that we know is required and that we want to materialize.
The idea that Blackfolks could assemble as thorough a publication as the Long-Term Strategic Plan for Black America (LTSP) and make it readily and freely available to Blackfolks attests to the advantage we have compared to our Ancestors. Now, if we could only amass the genuine fighting spirit for freedom that they had. If only Blackfolks today could see the cunningness of the servitudinal social engineering, which stifles our collective rise to the top of the world socio-economic ladder.
What a blessing it is for Blackfolks to have the LTSP What a grand opportunity for self-elevation for Blackfolks through the implementation of the LTSP. If only Blackfolks knew that there is “A Time for Everything” (Ecclesiastes 3), and now is the time to start our ascension to a better quality of life. If Blackfolks only begin to believe (have full Imani) that our social, cultural, and economic elevation is a righteous element of and for our lives.
Dr. Brooks, you are correct: “Begging is a very harmful practice, especially when it becomes endemic. It is most pernicious when it becomes ingrained as an accepted practice.” However, demanding proper redress for the atrocities of our Hellacaust (Maafa) is not begging. Getting Blackfolks to redefine Reparations as the process of returning to our righteous place in world society using “due resources” would help accelerate our efforts to achieve goals set forth in the LTSP publication. All of us Blackfolks must comprehend the connectivity of our various strikes against anti-Afrikanness, and we must begin to be certain that we can become the happiest, healthiest, most educated, most physically satisfied, and safest people on the planet. This is somethang We Can and Will Do!