By Matt Flynn
Democratic Candidate for Governor

Matt Flynn, Democratic Candidate for Governor
We need a governor who will look out for everyone’s interests. The last eight years have been devastating to Milwaukee, the economic engine of our state. With rising crime and gun violence, struggling schools, income inequality, high infant mortality and incarceration rates, and streets filled with potholes, Milwaukee faces unique challenges that deserve the attention of our next governor.
The fact is Milwaukee has been ignored. Politicians in Madison, like Scott Walker, have abdicated their responsibility. They’re happy to take our tax dollars but not deliver for us. They focus on pleasing wealthy donors and special interests rather than addressing the needs of working families and their communities.
As a resident of the City of Milwaukee for most of my life, I have seen these issues first hand. Milwaukee sends more than $400,000,000 more to Madison than it gets back. I will make sure Milwaukee gets the fair and adequate funding it needs.
I will also change the culture of law enforcement in Milwaukee to stop the killing of young black men in our city. As governor, I will not tolerate it.
As governor, my primary focus will be to show respect and to listen to what communities are saying. I will work with them as a partner and collaborator. I will make sure that the city gets the proper attention from the governor’s office and that issues get addressed.
Several of the other policies I have proposed throughout the campaign will also address the problems Milwaukee faces. By investing in more health care, education, and infrastructure, while raising the minimum wage and reversing Walker’s anti-union laws, I will create the conditions for economic prosperity.
We also need to reduce mass incarceration. We need a criminal justice system that works for everyone, not just the wealthy and well connected. That is why I support the legalization of cannabis. Right now, two possession charges equal a felony, which effectively bars an individual from most employment for the rest of their lives. That’s ridiculous, and it’s why I will pardon everybody in Wisconsin jails, prisons, probation, or parole who had been convicted of a possession offense that does not involve violence.
Scott Walker and Madison Republicans have deliberately ignored the needs of Milwaukee.
Enough is enough. It’s time to vote for change. Together we can make sure that Milwaukee is one of the great cities in America, that works for everyone. I ask for your vote on August 14 and November 6.
Matt Flynn is running against Scott Walker for Governor in the 2018 election. He is a Navy veteran, attorney, and a former Chair of the Democratic Party of Wisconsin. Learn more about him and his campaign at