Gilbert Brown takes youth through some training drills on the first day of camp. The youth participated in Gilbert Brown’s 2010 All-Pro Football Camp in Milwaukee at North Division High School July 13, 14, and 15. (Photo by Robert A. Bell)
The Gilbert Brown Foundation and AT&T Wisconsin Pioneers teamed up again to hold a free football camp for youth at North Division High School in Milwaukee that took place earlier this week July 13 through July 15. This is the fifth year that Gilbert Brown is offering the All-Pro Football Camp in Wisconsin.
Gilbert Brown’s All-Pro Football Camp is open to children between the ages of 8 and 17. A morning session (8:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m., 8 to 12 years old) and an afternoon session (2:00 – 5:30 p.m., 13 to 17 years old) will be offered. “Through the All-Pro Football Camp, we hope to not only teach kids the skills they need to succeed on the football field, but life building skills as well,” said Gilbert Brown. “The camp is one of the highlights of my year and I’m excited to be offering it again in 2010.”
State Senator Lena Taylor attended the July 13 morning session of the camp to help kick off activities for the youth. “Gilbert Brown and his foundation provide youth with direction, hope and life skills,” said Senator Taylor. The football camp provides youth with more than an opportunity to play football. The youth are spending time with a great athlete and a leader who is providing them with guidance and personal development,” Senator Taylor continued.
“The AT&T Pioneers are thrilled to partner with Gilbert Brown and his foundation again to bring this oncein- a-lifetime opportunity to Milwaukee’s youth,” said AT&T Pioneer manager, Jeannette St. Onge. “Gilbert Brown is a Wisconsin sports legend and his All-Pro Football Camp is just one of the countless ways he’s contributed to our community.”
Over the years Gilbert’s high level of play, warm personality, his celebratory “Gravedigger” dance following a monstrous tackle and the instant connection he made with Packer fans have made him an icon in Wisconsin. Gilbert still finds time to reach out to his fans and supporters in many ways and “Gilbert Brown’s All-Pro Football Camp” is just another example of his commitment to community and service.
For more information about Gilbert Brown and the Gilbert Brown Foundation, please visit his web site at: www.gilbertbrownfoundation.org