Key industry leaders and members of Mayor Barrett’s Manufacturing Partnership offered congratulations as they celebrated the graduation of 10 trainees from a manufacturing training class conducted in partnership with Herker Industries, a local precision machining manufacturer in the Milwaukee area.
Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett has championed the effort to respond to the needs of manufacturers in the area. “Manufacturing is vital to the economic success of our City and the region, and building a skilled workforce is key to these companies and their ability to compete,” Mayor Barrett said. “We have growing companies that need skilled workers, and we have people who need jobs. I am proud of this partnership and our ability to work with local manufacturers like Herker.”
The Partnership, which was introduced during Mayor Barrett’s State of the City address this year, aims to address the workforce needs of manufacturing companies in the region. Partners include the Mayor’s Office, the Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board, the Milwaukee Area Technical College and the Wisconsin Regional Training Partnership.
“We developed this partnership with the understanding that we have an opportunity to move Milwaukee residents into family-sustaining jobs. This community has been devastated and as this sector of the economy grows we have a real strategy to get people back to work,” said Don Sykes, President/CEO of the MAWIB.
The graduation is the third in the past several months and additional trainings are planned. WRTP/BIG STEP facilitates the partnership with employers and has identified companies to participate in the Partnership.
“We have manufacturers throughout Milwaukee and the region struggling to find the skilled workforce they need and our model demonstrates that strong leadership from the private and public sector can solve these challenges,” said Earl Buford, President/ CEO of WRTP/BIG STEP.
The graduation event was highlighted by congratulations from Mayor Barrett as well as Milwaukee Area Workforce Investment Board President, Don Sykes, Waukesha-Ozaukee- Washington Workforce Development Board President Francisco, MATC Vice-President Vicki Martin, Herker Industries, and WRTP/BIG STEP President/CEO Earl Buford.
The graduation was held at the WRTP/BIG STEP Center of Excellence at 3841 W. Wisconsin Ave., Milwaukee.